
Our Learning

School Curriculum and Learning Policies and Procedures

Our Curriculum Vision and Our Commitment to Our Community

At d’Auvergne, our curriculum and teaching will:

  • Welcome all.
  • Ensure every child makes consistently good progress in every class.
  • Focus on developing confident communicators who have a wide vocabulary.
  • Ensure our children work hard; gain increasing confidence and independence; and respond positively to challenges.
  • Enable all children to do well in a broad range of subjects, equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to be successful learners and citizens.
  • Cater very well for different achievement levels, routinely providing appropriate challenge and support.
  • Cover in full the Jersey Curriculum, ensuring breadth, balance and depth of learning through a range of rich experiences which build cultural capital.
  • Be enhanced by the strongest home-school links.
  • Promote the highest of expectations and aspirations for all associated to d’Auvergne School.
  • Actively promote positive mental health and wellbeing.


As a Government of Jersey school, we use the following documents:

  • The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework as well as Development Matters in the Foundation Stage
  • The Jersey Curriculum for Key Stages One and Two
  • The Jersey agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE).


Learn more about each subject below. For additional information about a subject, please contact the school office and ask to speak to the subject leader.


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