
About us

Key Stages

Our school currently has a nursery, two classes in Reception, three classes in Year 1, two classes in Year 2 to Year 3 and three classes in Year 4 to Year 6. Over the next five years our school will expand to become three form entry.

Click on the relevant boxes below to find out more about what has been going on in each class. As well as lots of interesting work in class, we have a full programme of visits and visitors to enhance the curriculum. We pride our school in an exciting and enriching curriculum.


Our broad and balanced curriculum is engaging and purposeful; creating inspired learners. Providing an entitlement for all pupils to thrive through enriching experiences that maximise all that Jersey has to offer. We do this so that every child knows the joy of learning, motivating them to be lifelong learners.

At d'Auvergne, every pupil will have the opportunity to:

 Visit significant places in Jersey  
 Represent their house in an event or competition 
 Be part of a performance 
 Attend an after-school club that extends learning outside the classroom 
 Attend Forest school  
 Conduct a Science experiment in a laboratory 
 Listen to live music 
 Play an instrument 
 Have a residential trip in Jersey and in France 
 Work alongside local experts 
 Learn another language 
 Contribute to fundraising for a charity 
 Celebrate their achievements 

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