
About us

Key Stage Two

The Jersey Curriculum

We follow the Jersey and National Curriculum for Literacy, Maths and Science. In addition to these core subjects, we teach the following foundation subjects: History, Geography, RE, Music, PSHE, Art/Design and PE. Please have a look at our Curriculum maps and letters to find out more! 

Information Technology

  • The children have access to desktop computers in an IT suite.
  • Every child in Key Stage Two is provided with a laptop which they may take home, for which a small charge is made each term.
  • Children in all year groups have access to an interactive screen.
  • Children also have access to class sets laptops in our MakerSpace.
  • Children and parents in Key Stage Two are required to sign an ‘Acceptable Users Policy’ to access computers and the internet at school. This will include if you intend your child to bring a mobile phone to school.
  • All children in Key Stage Two have a Google account, with their own private password.  This allows parents and children to access school learning and information when not at school.


  • Each year, the school E-Safety officer holds Parents E-Safety sessions to ensure parents can help and support their children
  • E-Safety is taught throughout the year to all children Mobile phones are to be switched off and remain in children’s bags throughout the school day.


  • Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 learn to speak and write French.
  • Children in Year 4 are taught Jerriais for six weeks through a Jersey Studies programme.

Key Stage Two P.E.

In addition to the timetabled curriculum sessions, Key Stage Two children have access to:

  • We are very well supported with specialist P.E. staff from Jersey Sport, who teach the majority of lessons.
  • The Gilson Badminton Hall. For these sessions, it is important for the children to bring a separate pair of trainers (with a white sole) to prevent damage to the flooring. 
  • Haute Vallée School for swimming lessons
  • Sports Development Officers are also in school throughout the year.


Music in Key Stage Two is taught by Class teachers.  Children who wish to, are able to choose from a range of instruments and attend lessons with peripatetic music staff.  This is organised by Jersey Music Service.

Key Stage Two children are also able to join the school choir (see Mrs Crespel).


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