
Parents' Area

School Uniform

Please see attached images of all uniform items. Clothing can be purchased from Lyndale Sports in Trinity. Alternatively, we have second-hand clothing that can be purchased at £1 per item. Please feel free to share your requests with the school office and we shall see whether we have the size and item you require.

Shoes: Must be a traditional black 'school' shoe. A trainer-style will not be acceptable. New shoes should be acquired at the start of the summer holidays, as shops often run out later in August.

Trousers / Skirts / Shorts / Skorts: Must be a 'school grey', not dark grey or black. New school grey skorts are available from Lyndale Sports and JSSK and are permitted.

Blue Polo Shirts with School Logo: Unchanged and will be worn by all children from Reception to Year 5.

White Shirts: To be worn by all Year 6 pupils, either long or short-sleeved from September. These rep[lace the red polo shirts.

School Ties: These are for Year 6 only. 

Summer Dresses: Striped blue and white dress.

Cardigans: Unchanged and may be worn by all children from Reception to Year 6.

Tights / Socks: 'School grey' tights or white socks for girls only. Grey / black socks for boys. White socks for PE for everybody.

Jumpers: These are changing from a round-neck to a V-neck. Year 6 are expected to wear the V-neck from September, to support their new shirt / tie. All children must be wearing a V-neck jumper (or continue with a cardigan).

PE Kit: The new design of PE shirt and shorts are now available from our suppliers and should be worn from 2019.

Tracksuit: These are available and should be worn for all PE days. 

Hair: Long hair must always be tied up for health reasons and bows etc. must be discrete and either red or navy blue. Haircuts must not attract unwarranted attention or be a distraction in school e.g. 'Tramlines', 'Mohawks' or similar are not acceptable.

Jewellery: Standard watches and stud earrings are permitted. No smart watches (which can perform photo taking, audio recording and phone calls) are to be worn or brought to school


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